marți, 22 februarie 2011



Ştiaţi că...

Spectacolul din 1993 de la Super Bowl a adus cea mai mare audienţă din istoria televiziunii americane.

Albumul dublu “History” este cel mai bine vândut dublu-album care a fost lansat vreodată în SUA.

Trei dintre albumele lui Michael Jackson – “Bad”, “Dangerous” şi “Thriller” – sunt printre cele mai bine vândute albume din lume.

Michael Jackson are două stele pe Hollywood Walk of Fame: una pe 1541 Vine Street iar cealaltă pe 6927 Hollywood Boulevard.

Albumul “Invincible” a costat 30 milioane dolari.

Când Michael avea în jur de 14 ani, fraţii lui mai mari l-au încuiat într-o cameră de hotel cu o prostituată.

Michael Jackson cerea întotdeauna suc de portocale în loc de apă după fiecare spectacol.

Michael Jackson lăsa întotdeauna o scrisoare în camera de hotel, pentru a fi găsită.

Odată a mers să-l întâlnească pe robotul E.T. din faimosul film cu acelaşi titlu şi s-a despărţit de el plângând. A spus că “E.T. era un prieten adevărat.”

Michael Jackson adora toboganele acvatice.

Michael Jackson ştia să se dea pe patinele cu rotile.

“Ghost” este în continuare cel mai lung videoclip din toate timpurile.

Michael Jackson a cumpărat premiul Oscar primit în 1940 de filmul “Pe aripile vântului”.

Nu-i plăcea să se uite în oglindă.

Nu era niciodată mulţumit de el însuşi.

Adora şosetele.

Îi plăceau desenele animate, printre care Familia Simpson. Personajul favorit era Bart Simpson. Melodia filmului, “Do The Bartman”, e compusă de el în 1990 (a şi înregistrat pentru baking), dar nu a fost creditat pentru ea deoarece la acea dată se afla sub contract cu o altă casă de producţie.

Michael nu a vrut să participe la “Jackson Variety Show” (1976-1977) dar a fost obligat să o facă.

Prefera UCLA (“University of California, Los Angeles”) mai mult decât USC (“University of Southern California”).

Îi plăcea să se îmbrace ca Charlie Chaplin, pentru că îl admira foarte mult.

Michael Jackson ştia să cânte la baterie.

Principalul motiv pentru care nu-i plăceau turneele era schimbarea de fus orar, care îi provoca insomnii.

Michael Jackson a spus că îi lua câteva zile bune ca să-şi liniştească emoţiile, pentru un singur show.

Cei care i-au fost apropiaţi afirmă că vocea lui Michael Jackson era foarte profundă şi bărbătească.

Îi plăcea foarte mult să alerge şi era foarte rapid.

Când LaToya a pozat pentru playboy, Michael nici n-a vrut să audă.

Un chestionar extensiv aplicat în masă, în 1997, a concluzionat că Michael jackson era cea mai faimoasă perosană din lume.

Michael şi Tito au fost cavaleri de onoare la nunta Lizei Minelli cu David Gest.

Albumul “Thriler” este în continuare cel mai bine vândut din toate timpurile.

Când îşi lua micul-dejun la Neverland, îi plăcea ca elefantul său să-l privească prin fereastră.

Pe la sfârşitul anilor ’70, Michael şi fraţii săi trebuiau să cânte în Las Vegas, dar înainte de un spectacol Michael s-a strecurat afară şi s-a ascuns într-un cazino.

Michael a fost inclus în “Songwriters Hall of Fame” în 2002.

Videoclipurile promoţionale făcute pentru cântecele lui Michael şi regizate, printre aţii, de John Landis şi John Singleton, au costat mai mult decât unele filme de lung-metraj.

Michael Jackson este naşul unuia dintre copiii lui Barry Gibb (“Bee Gees”), botezat Michael Gibb. Michael îi iubea pe “Bee Gees”, a spus că au fost inspiraţia lui.

Mergea la “drive KFC” şi comanda mâncare cu o voce foarte gravă, iar şoferul lui lua mâncarea de la fereastră.

Îi plăcea mult să sune diverse persoane, noaptea târziu, şi să le vorbească cu voce deghizată, fără ca ei sa-l recunoască.

Odată a afirmat, după divorţul cu Lisa Marie Presley: “Ea poate să fie o persoană calculată şi rea.”

Îi plăceau mult bomboanele, acadelele Dum Dum şi guma de mestecat Big Red (cu aromă de scorţişoară, de la Wrigley) care face baloane. La M&M, nu mânca bomboanele maro, pentru că nu era o culoare a curcubeului.

Odată a invitat-o pe Prinţesa Leah din filmul “Răzbioul Stelelor” la ziua fiului său, Prince.

Favoritul său dintre Power Rangers era cel roşu.

Michael i-a spus odată unui apropiat că nu voia sa cânte “Billie Jean” la 50 de ani.

Nu a vrut-o pe Ola Ray în videoclipul “Thriller” pentru că i se părea scârbos faptul că pozase în Playboy. Totuşi, regizorul John Landis a angajat-o. La replica “Te-ai speriat?”, regizorul i-a cerut sa o spună ca şi cum ar fi vrut să facă sex cu Ola. Michael mai întâi s-a ruşinat, apoi s-a enervat... în final a zis clar “NU”. Într-un interviu dat în 1984, John Landis a admis că filmările au mers destul de greu. Era un chin să-i aducă pe Michael şi pe Ola Ray împreună pe platou, pentru că Michael se ascundea mereu de ea.

Când era adolescent, adora să se uite la filmul “Ben”, pentru că i se părea grozav să vadă cum apărea numele său la credite.

Lui Michael Jackson ii plăcea să gătească şi chiar se pricepea la asta.

Culorile favorite: roşu şi auriu.


8 comentarii:

  1. Presupun ca intamplarea din Las Vegas nu este o "ciudatenie" marca Michael Jackson; probabil ca este vorba despre cea relatata de un fan Jackson 5 si care apare in cartea lui Taraborrelli, la sfarsitul capitolului "Las Vegas"; totul are o explicatie, si, din pacate, nu este deloc hazlie.
    Un articol pe care merita sa-l cititi - "Michael Jackson Moscow Concert in 1993":

  2. Am cunoscut zilele trecute o tanara in jur de 30 de ani (cu pregatire si OK in general). Ne-am intalnit la locul meu de munca unde a vazut fotografii si calendar cu Michael Jackson. M-a intrebat daca sunt fan Michael Jackson si i-am raspuns ca vreau sa cred ca sunt, ca il respect si il admir pentru tot ce mi-a daruit si ca regret ca nu mai este printre noi. Ea m-a ascultat si mi-a spus ca oricum Michael era terminat, ca lua medicamente foarte puternice si ca si-a schimbat si culoarea pielii, ca din negru a vrut sa devina alb. M-a lasat sa inteleg ca de la rasa neagra inferioara, a vrut sa acceada la rasa alba, superioara.
    I-am explicat cu rabdare ca Michael era mandru sa fie afro-american si ca nu si-ar fi schimbat niciodata culoarea pielii daca nu i s-ar fi declansat o boala autoimuna numita Vitiligo si care consta in piederea pigmentului pielii (cu aparitia de pete albe decolorate). Fiind un perfectionist, a trebuit sa faca ceva. Nu putea sa apara in fata fanilor cu acele pete inestetice. Nu stiu daca am reusit sa o conving dar ma doare sufletul si ma indispun cand intalnesc oameni care nu stiu adevarul despre Michael Jackson si cunosc doar minciunile, neadevarurile spuse si scrise de unii jurnalisti care i-au produs atata rau acestui om.


  3. Chiar mi-a placut sa recitesc anumite detalii referitoare la Michael.
    Dar fraza spusa de Michael ca Lisa poate fi "calculata si rea"....sau cea cu tipa din aceasta chiar nu o sa fiu sincera ma amuza, nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce smtea Michael sa fie obligat sa lucreze cu ea, dar si ce distractie era pe Landis.


  4. Va multumesc din suflet domnule Mihai pentru tot ce faceti pentru Michael Jackson si pentru noi.
    Iar articolul despre concertul din Moscova cred ca este cel mai impresionant pe care l-am citit vreodata. Este incredibil cum povestea acelei fetite oarbe l-a determinat sa apara pe scena, cu toate necazurile si obstacolele care i-au stat in cale. Pur si simplu ramai fara cuvinte.
    Mariana T.

  5. Desi ador articolele dvs,vrea sa aduc o corectura.Michael nu era dezgustat ca Ola era model de Playboy,dimpotriva,o adora.Ryan Folsey,producator muzical care a lucrat cu MJ de cand era copil pana in 90 si ceva, a spus ca:''Ryan hung out with Michael in his bedroom, which had a mattress on the floor, toys everywhere, and illustrations of Peter Pan on the walls. They talked about music — “I was amazed that Michael didn’t know who U2 was” — and the girls they had crushes on. Jackson revealed how discombobulated he had been by Ola Ray’s sexual allure after a dance rehearsal with her. “He started getting all nervous and stuff,” says Ryan. “He said, ‘She’s adorable, she’s adorable. She’s so hot!’” It was just so funny seeing him that way.”,tot el a mai zis ca MJ este timid fata d fetele frumoase pe care le place.
    Uitati cateva secvente: Bobby Colomby, Todd Gold, Recording of Destiny, 1978

    ''Michael, on the other hand, was utterly infatuated with the woman whom Colomby was then living with, actress Pam Grier, the tall sexy star of low-budge black exploitation films like Foxy Brown. “When he found out I was living with her, he just flipped out,” Colomby recalls. “She’d walk into the studio and he’d squeal and run out and hide.” When Grier called, Michael felt tongue-tied. “She’d want to have him over for dinner. I’d say, hey Michael, it’s Pam and I’d hand him the phone. He couldn’t handle it. It’d just drop in his lap and he’d stare at it. He wouldn’t even talk.”

    But Michael’s curiosity was like an open floodgate and he couldn’t stop talking about Grier. “What does she do with you, Bobby?” he asked. “What do you mean?” Colomby replied. “She must hit you with skillets,” Michael laughed. “I think when you come home, she throws a skillet at you. She bops you over the head.”

    Michael’s gullibility about sex worried Colomby so much that one day he took him upstairs to one of the small, second-storey offices at Cherokee Studios for a man-to-man talk. “Michael,” he started, “you’re a young man. You’re about to get out there in the world and meet a lot of people–a lot of women. And you might run into some interesting situations. Sometimes it’s difficult for you to go to your parents or your brothers and talk about those kind of things. But I want you to know that I’m there for you. That any time you need a friend, in any kind of situation, I’ll help you.” Michael smiles. He was touched. “God, that is so sweet of you,” he said. “But I already have someone I confide in like that.” “Oh, great,” Colomby replied, mildly surprised. “Can I ask who?” “Diana Ross” Michael replied.''

    Steve Manning,publicistul si un prieten apropiat al lui Michael
    Q: Do you think that is fair to all of his fans?
    A: Yes, I believe it’s fair to his fans and Michael as well. You have to realize how much work Michael does. He is a compulsive perfectionist who spends a great deal of time and energy on all his projects. I’m sure his fans would never begrudge him a little privacy or a little quiet romance.

    Q: Do you think Michael enjos the reputation he has of being Hollywood’s “last innocent”?
    A: I really don’t think Michael is that aware of being “a last innocent.” Besides, I think the description is not at all accurate. Michael is quite aware of what is going on around him and since he turned 21 he has handled all of his own private business affairs. All financial reports, contracts, etc go directly to Michael. He has total control and final approval on everything. You have to be pretty shrewd to handle all that. So the “last innocent” reputation is a little difficult to accept, for those of us who really know Michael.

    Q: Does Michael ever go out alone?
    A: Yes, he travels around quite a lot in LA going back to forth to the Jackson’s studio, keeping various appointments and seeing his friends.

  6. Steve Hoefflin,care a fost chirurgul plastician al lui Michael si bun prieten de foarte multi ani a spus ca el si Hugh Heffner faceau aranjamente ca MJ sa poate vizita Playboy Mansion in secret.Articolul original:
    ''Dr Hoefflin also said he took the singer to the Playboy mansion, adding: “I know Michael Jackson was not gay. The truth is he lusted after beautiful women.

    “I knew he was not gay because in all the time that I knew him that we were best friends – and I was his confidante and doctor – I never had any information that he was anything but straight. We would also spend time together over the years going through books and magazines. Michael would always look at magazines of pretty girls, never boys. And finally, I know factually he had sexual relationships with women.”

    Dr Hoefflin, 63, said: “Michael loved beautiful women. After Thriller came out he asked me to take him to the Playboy mansion to see the stunning girls. I was friends with Hugh Heffner, made those arrangements and was with him when he described how beautiful and desirable all the women were. All the time I was ever with him – whether it was on tour or off tour – he would always comment to me and others about pretty girls he would see.”
    Si Jessica Hahn a confirmat ca MJ venea des la Playboy Mansion si chiar i-a cerut sa-i inscrie un nr.Playboy pe care el il avea.''KING: Did Michael Jackson call you at the “Playboy” Mansion?
    HAHN: Oh, yes.
    KING: What for?
    HAHN: We were in a — we were sitting at the “Playboy” Mansion. Dr. Hoflin (ph) was his surgeon and mine. I’ve since had a new surgeon.
    KING: For plastic surgery?
    HAHN: Yes. But he decided to call Michael Jackson. That was when he had Bubbles and Michael Jackson asked me to sign a “Playboy” and he said, “Jess, listen to me. I know it’s going to be rough,” because I was new to this. He goes, “I know it’s going to be hard on you, but just understand one thing: It’s all going to be OK. They are going to come like scavengers. The press is going to come after you, but it’s going to be OK. And by the way, will you sign a “Playboy.”" I said, “I’d be more than happy to.”
    I was — and I’ve got to be honest. I am happy he is out.
    KING: You were rooting for him.
    HAHN: I am rooting for him because I feel like I’ve been blackmailed and I feel like that many times, people attack the well, you know, well-to-do people and they see an opportunity.''
    Iata despre pictorialul Latoyei,articolul interviul original
    ''“I spoke to Michael the other day, well before it came out, he had seen the pictures prior to them coming out, and we were on the phone for four hours and he didn’t say one word about Playboy. And I knew he had seen them because someone at Heff’s house said they were having a major meeting about me, and in walks Michael, and they had to grab all the pictures and just get rid of them and Michael claimed he had come there to see the animals, of course.

    Why he was there, they don’t know, but he said he had come there to see the ''animals.''

    And I knew he wanted to see the pictures… so, I spoke to him for four hours, and finally I said, “I heard you were at Heff’s.”

    And he said, “Oh yeah, I was. I wanted to see the animals again.”

    “But Michael, you always see the animals.”

    “Well, I wanted to see them again.”

    So it went on and on and finally I said, “Michael, you know I did Playboy.” He goes, “Yeah, I know.” And I said, “Well, why didn’t you mention it to me?” And he said, “Well, I didn’t want to embarrass you. I figured you would mention it first.”

  7. Tot in interviu Latoya mai spune ca MJ in particular a felicitat-o s-a desprins de familie dar in punblic a fost dezamagit deoarece a stricat imaginea ''curata'' a familiei Jackson.Nicaieri nu este mentionat si nimeni nu a mentionat vreodata ca MJ nu i-a placut Playboy.As vrea sa pot incarca niste poze unde MJ a participat la cateva petreceri Playboy la sfarsitul anilor 90 si de la ziua unui prieten din 2002-2003 unde chiar s-a fotografiat cu niste ''iepurasi''(trebuie sa mentionez ca pozele au fost facute cu buna stirea lui MJ dar i-a zis fotografului personal care l-a pozat ca daca pozele vor fi vreodata publicate il va da in judecata,si,dupa moartea lui Michael,fotograful le-a postat pe site-ul sau oficial(daca vrei poti sa imi dau un e-mail ca sa ti le trimit sa le vezi).Si daca MJ era atat de scarbit de nuditate si chestii de astea,de ce avea in posesie la procesul din 2003-2005 reviste pt.adulti ???(care dateau din 1991) si conform raportului , la raid s-au gasit:

    ''82 porn magazines dating back to 1991, 1700 pornographic hetero images on just one of the four hard drives in his bedroom, 8 DVDs, dozens of photos of naked women (some reported to be famous), an article on the G spot and one on the Second G-Spot.''

  8. Si chiar inainte sa moara era interesat sa achizitioneze nuduri feminine(conform intelegerii cu MJ,propietarii de la care el avea sa cumpere nu aveau voia sa publice niciun fel de detalii).Iata articolul original :

    ''The owner of an extensive collection of photographs featuring nude celebrities enough to open a “nudeseum”!—exclusively tells E! News that Michael Jackson had been negotiating to purchase his assortment of racy pics before he died.

    Website and magazine owner Celebrity Sleuth (that’s what he goes by) says that he was alerted to Jackson’s interest in the photos by Jack Wishna, the Las Vegas businessman who facilitated Jackson’s return to the U.S. from overseas and was trying to organize a comeback engagement for the beleaguered artist in 2006 and 2007.

    Turns out Wishna has been working with Sleuth on the nudeseum concept as well, according to the celebrity-skin aficionado.

    “Michael was one of the people to show the most interest right away and, up until literally the day before he died, I had an email from Jack saying ‘M.J. wants to do this’ and so forth,” says Sleuth.

    He would not reveal the exact amount Jackson was offering, but says it was “eight figures.”

    Sleuth has amassed memorabilia and photos taken by private photographers dating back to the 1920s. He said that they aren’t all of glam-style celebs, but of other public figures as well, such as Adolf Hitler’s mistress, Eva Braun.

    Where he got this stuff, we can only begin to imagine.

    “This goes back to the ’20s and the ’30s and the ’40s,” says Sleuth. “They’re pictures that I’ve collected, bought, been given, been given by the celebrities themselves over the years. I’m the only one that has these nudes because I’ve been able to recognize them so I’ve been able to go back and find them.”

    Sleuth says that while some of his photos have been online or published in his magazine, Jackson wanted to buy a never-before-seen collection that had been destined for his Sin City nudeseum.

    To avoid legal troubles, Sleuth refused to name the living celebrities in his collection, but revealed that he had pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Bonnie Parker, of Bonnie-and-Clyde fame. He says that he has pictures of just about every current famous actress as well, most of them shots taken before they became famous.

    “If you can think of their name and they’re famous, then they’re in the collection,” Sleuth says. “I would say nobody in the last 65 years who is a female celebrity is not in the collection.”

    Sleuth and Wishna are still currently trying to make a deal with a Vegas casino or private buyer to purchase the secret collection''.

    Daca vrei iti pot da si linkurile cu sursele pt.fiecare postare.Si acum reintorcandu-ma la fraza ''MJ era scarbit de Playboy'',nici pe departe,era un barbat matur.



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